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015 boogie and the brow

The crowd was hyped for newest pelicans member DeMarcus Cousins. He scored the first bucket and the crowd erupted. The first quarter looked fun and showed promise for the new direction of the team. Then boogie got in foul trouble and started getting tangled up with whichever post was on him, Gentry took him out. The pels continued to play some classic pelicans basketball, (sloppy and undisciplined, meanwhile Anthony Davis shoulders the burden for the city) and watched the wind die behind the sails from there. The Mike D’Antoni kept shooting, had infinitely better guard play and started knocking down threes while the pels coughed the ball up let and right. With 5 and half left in the third I asked if I was reading the score right, the pels scored 6 points in 6 and a half minutes.

First game, high expectations; big boogie bummer.